Saturday, November 13, 2010


Some people love to be alone.  Some people cherish solitude.  They use it to listen to music, read a book, work on their hobby or do something they have been meaning to do for a while.  Peace and quiet is what they call it.

For me it is painful, excruciating.  Sure being busy can be exhausting and can keep you from doing other things.  However, for me being alone is a painful reminder of just how alone I am. I am blessed with a beautiful princess who showers me with love.  I have friends and so called friends who I can spend time with and hang out.

Being with someone can be as simple as just sharing space together.  You don't have to talk or BE together you can just be in the same room together, occupy the same space.  The occasional glance or gentle touch can be a powerful reminder that you are not alone.

Being alone is a painful reminder that at the end of the day I am alone, unloved and unwanted.

Oh, to be truly loved again!

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